Sunday, May 10, 2020

Happy Mother's Day! and an update

Here are a couple of door pictures I took prior to lockdown.

Note the fellow in the tree!
I am doing fine and so is everyone I know so that is a very good thing. I shop once a week and one of the door guards recognizes me. This is significant because while we all wear masks, smiles can't be seen and eye contact is often avoided.

The nightly clap at 8 pm continues, we wave and smile at each other from our balconies, heartwarming.

Tomorrow, May 11, Andalusia Region not including the provinces of Malaga and Granada will go to Phase 1 of deescalation (now that's a word I would never have thought of or used). Here is what we are allowed to do now, taken from

Long article, scroll down to the highlighted box "what's allowed".

Uncertainty is the best word to use now, and not being able to make firm plans causes stress. I am doing my best not to stress over something I have no control over, like will or when I return to Freiburg. 

I have a new "balcony" friend! She lives in my building and had rented her flat out, came here from Las Palmas, Canary Islands for a weekend with her husband and two university student children and they were locked down. By "balcony" friend I mean she messages me when she wants to get outside to our common balcony and I go to mine across the courtyard and we chat. Ingenuity applied in unusual times.

I've been cooking daily or I wouldn't have anything to eat. Today I'm going to try making gazpacho soup, a cold Spanish soup for hot weather, just too bad this next week is supposed to be cool and raining, c'est la vie (that's life).

Cheers and stay well, Bev and Lexi Cat, who is finding new places in the house to snooze.