This year's street Christmas lights. |
I am not sending physical Christmas cards this year as I always have to my Canadian friends and family due to the Canada Post Strike which is sad but not as difficult as it has been for others affected, no further comment on that one... Update: strike is over, the workers are putting a good sized dent in the backlog.
Lexi and I flew Zurich to Sevilla November 11, I used a car hire company to go from Freiburg to Zurich and was extremely pleased with the driver and car. Very glad to have found them and will use again here is their website, they are international https://daytrip.com/
My one piece of luggage went to Munich which was recovered the next day and delivered by early evening. Luckily I had bought a rather large, interesting book by a favourite author at the airport (I have never done before) but it kept me entertained for the next day. My computer, my major entertainment, is Bruce's old MacBook Pro so pack it in bubble wrap and send it in my checked luggage. They opened the bag but thankfully nothing missing. A tip that has usually worked for me, I don't use the TSA locks available, I use a Zip tie and it has worked for years now.
The usual stock up and explore to find out what has changed, and not, ensued.
My neighbours in the building Leonor and John helped me over a couple of months to have my doors in the entire apartment get refurbished while I was away. I took them for lunch at our local favourite restaurant to thank them.
December 8 was Immaculate Conception, Catholic holiday where eight churches "historical devotionals of the Archdiocese held a procession through the city in an unprecedented way" It was very large but did not pass by me. The crowds were huge so I didn't go, too short to see much anyway.
Then on December 14 the El Colegio Sagrado Corazon (Esclavas) local catholic school celebrated 125 years of existence with a neighbourhood procession. The local streets were decorated and we were asked to decorate our balconies. They sold a banner which Leonor purchased and asked me to display.
December 15, I took Pepe, Marta, Daniel and Mama Pepe for lunch at a local restaurant to say thank you for organizing and installing new blinds on my upstairs patio. Wind was biting so we sat inside and did it ever get noisy with ladies doing Christmas lunches. Pepe came back to mine so we could have a good catch up.
Visit to Costco with Pepe, at his suggestion, we got Rocio a gift basket. The cart was full to brimming which meant a completely full car with items for the apartments he rents and holiday food for his bros coming in for Christmas. I bought new pillows and a quality olive oil.
Paul and Paula come to visit their daughter and husband annually for Christmas and they always look me up for a coffee or lunch. They live in Montpellier, France, originally from California they have been on this side of the pond for five years and travel Western Europe throughout the year. It was great to see them again and find out more about where they'd been.
That afternoon I heard music and bells so looked out my window to find this, another, albeit small procession regarding the Virgin of Rocio, happened last year too and likely an annual event. I have to say it isn't every day you have a couple of oxen and carriage walking down the street.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025 from Lexi Cat and I! Cheers!