Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day and ...

Well, here you go, a wonderfully crafted cartoon on how to get a date for Valentine's Day if you are a cat. Lexi sits up and watches when there are bird noises. Enjoy! She got to go to the vet today and get her Rabies shot, cat pedicure and a check up which she passed just fine.

Simon's Cat Valentine

Ryan and Angela are in the U.S., wishing they were on this side of the pond, and have been for a couple of years now, but we stay in touch semi-weekly using Facetime. They have been posting pictures about their latest endeavour which I will share with you on a separate post, after I get permission from them to do so.

I purchased three new LinoyFino tops in colours of lime green, teal and white. Petra was wonderful to deal with as she always has been, she makes purchasing from her a happy experience.

Pepe came over to help me with a few household things and I took him to lunch at Beirutina a Lebanese restaurant that I walk by frequently and wanted to try. Food was great, as was the service, and certainly different, equal to Spanish fare with more spice.

Calle Alfonso X11, the street I am on is a major exit from downtown to the suburbs. It is being torn up and reworked now causing major disruption to traffic. Two, or maybe more I haven't thought of good things about it: 1. It is certainly quiet with no traffic 2. It really needed to be done. Here is the article from the City ...

Alfonso X11 city works

All for now, hope your day was special! Cheers from Bev and Lexi Cat where the only hearts around here are the ones happily beating in our chests.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

This year's street Christmas lights.

I am not sending physical Christmas cards this year as I always have to my Canadian friends and family due to the Canada Post Strike which is sad but not as difficult as it has been for others affected, no further comment on that one... Update: strike is over, the workers are putting a good sized dent in the backlog.

Lexi and I flew Zurich to Sevilla November 11, I used a car hire company to go from Freiburg to Zurich and was extremely pleased with the driver and car. Very glad to have found them and will use again here is their website, they are international 

My one piece of luggage went to Munich which was recovered the next day and delivered by early evening. Luckily I had bought a rather large, interesting book by a favourite author at the airport (I have never done before) but it kept me entertained for the next day. My computer, my major entertainment, is Bruce's old MacBook Pro so pack it in bubble wrap and send it in my checked luggage. They opened the bag but thankfully nothing missing. A tip that has usually worked for me, I don't use the TSA locks available, I use a Zip tie and it has worked for years now.

The usual stock up and explore to find out what has changed, and not, ensued.

My neighbours in the building Leonor and John helped me over a couple of months to have my doors in the entire apartment get refurbished while I was away. I took them for lunch at our local favourite restaurant to thank them.

December 8 was Immaculate Conception, Catholic holiday where eight churches "historical devotionals of the Archdiocese held a procession through the city in an unprecedented way" It was very large but did not pass by me. The crowds were huge so I didn't go, too short to see much anyway.

Then on December 14 the El Colegio Sagrado Corazon (Esclavas) local catholic school celebrated 125 years of existence with a neighbourhood procession. The local streets were decorated and we were asked to decorate our balconies. They sold a banner which Leonor purchased and asked me to display.

December 15, I took Pepe, Marta, Daniel and Mama Pepe for lunch at a local restaurant to say thank you for organizing and installing new blinds on my upstairs patio. Wind was biting so we sat inside and did it ever get noisy with ladies doing Christmas lunches. Pepe came back to mine so we could have a good catch up.

Visit to Costco with Pepe, at his suggestion, we got Rocio a gift basket. The cart was full to brimming which meant a completely full car with items for the apartments he rents and holiday food for his bros coming in for Christmas. I bought new pillows and a quality olive oil. 

Paul and Paula come to visit their daughter and husband annually for Christmas and they always look me up for a coffee or lunch. They live in Montpellier, France, originally from California they have been on this side of the pond for five years and travel Western Europe throughout the year. It was great to see them again and find out more about where they'd been.

That afternoon I heard music and bells so looked out my window to find this, another, albeit small procession regarding the Virgin of Rocio, happened last year too and likely an annual event. I have to say it isn't every day you have a couple of oxen and carriage walking down the street.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2025 from Lexi Cat and I! Cheers!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Sunday, October 6, 2024

September in Freiburg and a Visit by VIPs to me!

 There was an artisan market downtown with what the advertising said had over 50 artists exhibiting. I didn't find that many but I did buy this wall hanging which is felted. My attempt at felting years ago made me appreciate the effort it takes to craft.

It is by Atelier Nicole Basien and I enjoy it every day!

Liked the "movement" in this statue, didn't get the artist's name. 

My sister and brother-in-law came to visit me! They live in Okotoks, Alberta which is south of Calgary. Mike and Phyl were on a bike/boat tour going north of Karlsruhe, Germany and then traveled by train up to Amsterdam to visit Mike's auntie, then here in Freiburg. They were here for three full days and it rained pretty much the entire time, darn it. We walked around downtown anyway, lunched out, and the last day bused to Bad Krozingen through mountain villages. I was happy to get an update on their adult children's lives with the biggest news that all three are having babies in December, now that will be exciting. It was a great visit! Here are some pictures.

Mike proclaimed he doesn't take selfies very often but I think he did pretty well.

A short but lovely visit... Big thanks to Phyl and Mike for the visit and the photos!

I have been working on my wall art, hence the felted piece but also have a few of my pictures printed on canvas to hang yet. Finally I am cleaning up the iCloud storage of over 2000 pictures, hmm think I should have tackled that project sooner? Yes...

Another sunset, sorry, can't stop taking them.

Cheers, Bev and Lexi Cat

Friday, August 30, 2024

Summer Living in Freiburg in August

Weekly I go to downtown Freiburg, walking around over the cobblestones can be a bit bumpy but definitely provides more character to the walk.

Freiburg town is chockablock with tourists which is good for business but can get crowded, same as everywhere. I saw many, many walking guides with their groups, some in English, most in German, natch.

Charming statuettes outside a tea shop, sitting over the bachle, the boy looks smug, girl, happy with her tea.

I would estimate that half the businesses in Rieselfeld are closed or on reduced hours for vacation this week. There are about 2 weeks left of children's break from school, so business is slow anyway. Even the weekly market in the local square was missing my veggie stand, the bread/meat one, the cheese, and the olive and baklava carts. There was one lone veggie fellow with his two cute little white dogs. I have never spent August in Freiburg, the partners usually had those dates and I was in Dijon or Paris, so while expected to some degree, I wasn't prepared for the sheer amount of closures.

Rather a poor picture of the croc in the Dreisam river, hadn't seen her for a while so "visited".

This is a cute child sized Vespa, outside a children's toy store.

The toy store, see the bear under the name? It blows bubbles at intervals onto the street.

Strange with the tongues, research showed Freiburg inhabitants made a lot of money minting silver coins around this period. Google translate: "keystone from the gate of the coin from the year 1567". It is located on the street with high end independent shops, interesting to walk down.

While downtown this week I visited two of my favourite shops. A store that is hard to describe, it's a hardware mainly but has kitchenware and electronics, here is the website This is the independent  store I treasure because with no car it isn't easy to get to big-box-stores to get hardware items. It is eclectic in nature and I like that a lot. While I was there locals came in and asked for advice which was provided with knowledge and care.

The second would be Culinara Zoller  Italian everything, but my limited connection with this store was the owners were my neighbours in Rieselfeld. Bruce and the wife (sorry, her name escapes me) used to race down the street in their wheelchairs, a moment of fun for them both, endangering anyone in their path. She passed, he  handed the store to his son and it is still there. Service given is as good as ever, I bought a high quality balsamic vinegar, read more expensive than expected, but delicious for salads not cooking and a few other bits I cannot get in a regular grocery.

My view when they are in the closest field, love seeing them, love not having to look after them as I did in childhood.

And... of course... another sunset.

My neighbours invited me to a party last week, they served  punch with fruit on top and pinchos, open faced sandwiches on a good quality baguette, yummy. There were 14 of us with many who spoke English, so that was nice for me. It was good to talk to those I rarely only see in the hallway or on the street.

All for now, Cheers, Bev and Lexi Cat

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Summer Living in Freiburg

 The other day I played "tourist in your own town". Victoria, BC  used to have a similar program for residents but I went on my own. I go downtown frequently but this time I took my camera to the Munstermarkt. Timing was deliberately early in the day and a weekday to avoid the heat and tourists. Here are some pictures.

Purple flowers in front are blooming artichokes.

The red building is  Historisches Kaufhaus, once owned by a group of merchants in the 17th century, vans in front owned by venders in the market.

The largest flower vendor

Living wall covering the garbage station at the back of a hotel.

This fellow is made entirely out of denim, found at a sewing shop.

Escapee from the "window"

Unusual to see, mostly we see the next picture or a version of it.

Setting on a cloudy day.

That's all for now. At the market I had a nice visit with Ellen who sells olive wood products, and a good walk around. There are not many new vendors, but maybe the newer ones sell there on the weekends. 

Thank you Crina, my friend and cleaner

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!!


I hope you have a wonderful day you fabulous Fathers out there! Maybe a barbecue is planned? 

Crina, my friend and cleaner gave me this to share with you. She had fun making it and I viewing it.

I joined the Carl Schurz Library recently which has a rich collection of English books, videos, magazines etc. I had been a member before but decided my at home library does not need expanding for now, so I can borrow from their selection. Here is the website.

They also hold events which could be interesting to attend.

Have a great day you Fathers and families!
