Friday, January 15, 2021

Snow, Sheep and Sunsets mark the beginning of 2021


This is what my "backyard" looks like today, pretty now but shut the city down yesterday, mainly due to lack of snow clearing equipment. My first snowfall since being in Canada! I did remember to clear the plants of snow on the balconies, they were weighed down and I didn't want them to break. 

Kids are loving it and making snowmen.

The sheep also came for a visit with their shepherd and his two trusty dogs. They overnighted in the fields and were taken away the next morning.

Blurry pics but had to use the zoom. 

Intense fog above and a couple of sunsets.

That's what I'm grateful to have seen over the past couple of weeks. While I cannot travel, I am comfortable in this Freiburg apartment with views.

Cheers, Bev and Lexi Cat for whom I think it is the second time in her life to have seen snow, she just wonders where the birds are.


Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year!


Lucerne, Switzerland sculpture park 

The Vaccine

The Vaccine

I think a teacher walked by and couldn't resist.

Happy, Hopeful New Year for 2021! Cheers, Bev and Lexi Cat