I send you wishes for a warm and wonderful weekend giving and receiving thanks with friends and family.Here are some pictures l thankfully am able to share with you, explanations are in the captions.
This cart is from Dijon, attached to a bike, I liked him. |
Street musicians in Freiburg |
Just dropping in for tea "Martha, put the kettle on". |
Misty early mornings but the cattle don't seem to mind. |
Another sunset to enjoy. I joined friends on the big Island of Hawaii years ago with similar sunsets, the big rush at first blush was to get our pupus, appetizers ready to eat with a beverage and watch nature's display.Good times! |
Unusual sight down the street from me, what?! |
This is a local artist who has done many pictures of people in traditional dress but modernized.
This is what he is doing now, on the placard is the name of the bovine and which farm it comes from.
Sebastian Wehrle link to his website. The exhibit was at the front entrance of a busy department store. His cattle are just as wonderful as his people series in my opinion.
Happy Thanksgiving! Bev and Lexi Cat