Monday, October 12, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!! and Day Trip to Villingen-Schwennningen


I am grateful for this view

This Thanksgiving may be quite different for those of you in Canada if it is not possible to get family and friends together. My hope for you is that you stay safe and enjoy perhaps a smaller turkey.

Christoph drove us on a day trip into and to the edge of the Black Forest to Villingen-Schwenningen, (say that three times fast!) about an hour and half from Freiburg. 

Munster church, it's steel doors had raised Carnival figures on it.

The two towns were merged as an area but remain individual.

The drive was beautiful through the forest and canyon. Villingen is a charming town with painted murals on the fronts of the buildings, four entry gates at the corners of the town. It was a grey day but I found the town absolutely charming!

The Carnival or Fastnacht is celebrated, hence many statues honour it. You can read more about it here

And here

Carnival fountain

Images on all sides depicting life.

You know I like doors!

We lunched at a Swabian restaurant called Wirtschaft Sudhaus, Villingen am Münster which is run by an Italian family in a former brewery with the copper fixings still there. Food and service were excellent, but we didn’t get one of the unique tables that are housed in gigantic wine barrels. 

On a personal note I've had a cataract operation on one eye and the other will be done this week. It is a clinic that specializes in eye operations recommended to me by my trusted Optician. 

The procedure is fast, painless and efficient. Self administration of the drops is not always so efficient, takes a bit of technique and getting used to.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families! Yes, I will write about Switzerland soon.

Cheers, Bev and Lexi Cat

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