Thursday August 12, we stayed in Dijon and went to Jardin de Arquebus which is a botanical garden close to the train station. They grow rows and rows of vegetables and fruits.
There is a beautiful rose garden (roses each with a different scent that you don’t get often with cut ones) and a fountain in the middle.
There were groups of small school kids being led by adults all over the garden and I think what a lovely learning experience for them, plus a walk in fresh air and sunshine. Trees were large and impressively leafy.
Lunch was Japanese/Chinese at Zola square, called Sushi King Dijon, the store front is not very impressive until you get inside and it looks nice. The staff were very attentive and cheerful and the food was as good as some of the top end places in Vancouver. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to have caught on with the Dijon French, we were the only ones eating there and other restaurants were filling up. Christoph wondered if it was a dinner thing for people here, hope so for Sushi King. It was a treat to get good sushi in the middle of Dijon. He walked by in the evening and confirmed very few customers. As I walk around Dijon I am noticing many more Oriental restaurants, haven’t counted or seen them all but at least five. Another thing, I don’t know if they are replacing other restaurants or are completely new installations, but the choice has certainly expanded.
We walked to Musee Des Beaux-Arts de Dijon, the arts museum and got lost going from floor to floor due to the way the building is constructed. Before when we went we toured the first floor only, the largest, but second and third floors have broken floor plans with corners not accessible from one to the other without stairs. Suppose it would have been smarter to pay more attention to the map, but oh well.
All for now, Cheers
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