Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter and Semana Santa Parade


Cut out statue in Sanlúcar with flowers on the wall behind.

For the past few years I have avoided Semana Santa parades by going to Freiburg before it happened, it did not happen in 2020 or 2021 due to the pandemic. This week has been nail biting for the organizers due to weather, heavy rain and wind happened. Good Friday morning we had a violent thunderstorm, so it has been a challenge. Monday after a day of rain, late afternoon it eased up and the procession from the Museo went by my apartment. Here are some pictures taken from my balcony because there is no possible way I would join that crowd of people on the street. Seemed to be even more crowded this year maybe due to the weather being a threat to other processions and people wanting to see one. 

Pictures are all dark, of course, due to the 10 pm hour and my lack of photo editing.

The storms have shaken all the orange blossoms off the trees, sorry, no picture of them this year, but the smell was incredible, as I mentioned in a previous post.

Happy Easter to you and your family and friends! All the Very Best from Lexi Cat and I!

P.S. I ran into Papa Pepe on the street last week, he was walking to the bus station to go home and I was coming out of the hair salon. What an incredible coincidence! Then I also ran into Pepe, that happens more frequently but still, what a pleasure to see the two Pepe's in one day.

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