Sunday, May 8, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!


This is a Jacaranda tree at the Museo plaza where the Sunday art market is.

We had Abril Feria this week so the streets were awash with horses and carriages, flamenco style dresses and men in suits. Here are pictures.

It's been a busy month of celebrations, first Semana Santa, then a football match (the opposing team brought and used firecrackers all day and night, boo hoo, they lost to our local team), then Abril Feria the April Fair. 

The Covid numbers are going up again, no surprise there, the crowding at the above mentioned events was intense and very few people were masked. 

I wish for you Mothers that you are treated to a very special day to honour your roles in our lives!

All the very best, from a fur-baby mother!