Monday, April 13, 2015

Babes in the Woods

"Babe on the Woods" Lexi Cat
We went back to the Mundenhof, which seems to be what we do on Sundays. There is always something new to see.

Two monkeys were doing “battle” on a log across a stream. You could almost hear them yelling “this is MY log, NO it’s mine!” They were swatting each other with their front paws, trying to dislodge each other, finally one ceded and they both walked off. They were too far away for a picture, even with the zoom, I tried.

Baby goats this time, they are delicate, beautiful little creatures. 

There were a couple of fellows in bunny suits handing out pamphlets.  

He didn't seem to mind how silly he looked, somebody's got to do it...
The park was crowded with many children being a sunny Sunday. Bruce gets a lot of stares at his large bike, don’t know if people do it out of curiosity or wondering where to get one, perhaps both. Children stare I think because it looks like a fun big trike. It came in handy for me this trip and we found a new way to ride, sitting side by side.

Beautiful horns!
We lunched with Christoph and it was good to see him. He’s spent the last month driving approximately 6000 kms around France to set up two tours, the first of which will start this next week. They are in two formats, one is a bus tour around Burgundy. The second is day trips from Bonn to other cities and sites. His French is fluent so he was welcomed as a tour guide and “wined and dined”. He has written commentary for each and sussed out (found) hotels, castles, champagne tours, churches. Hope it goes well for him.

The Easter bunny came! Everyone in the building had Lindt chocolate bunnies dropped at their doorsteps. Very nice surprise. We also got little gifties from our partners also very nice. 

Bruce needed an over the counter drug on a Sunday, so we tramed to the train station knowing there would be an apoteka (pharmacy) open there. Certainly it isn’t the shopping destination Zurich is, but has any basic you would really want. I file that under "good to know".

Went to a Turkish restaurant, they have an automatic door opening so at the entrance had hung heavy brocade curtains to keep out the chill, beautiful! It’s a lovely place with murals on the walls, warm ambiance and of course, good food.

Sunsets here are wonderfully colourful! Antonio, our tile maker would swoon I think since he loves sunsets.

Finally warming up here, very pleasant today, last week was rainy, hailing and cold.

Why is it that so many news articles are headlined “# of things”. Do the writers think that if they put a number on the article people will read it more than not? If there is a number does this appeal to short attention spans? Are writers assuming most readers have short attention spans, and or, not the brain power to handle more? It's just one of the few questions I ponder about. Yes, I am retired...

Just as short note this time. Cheers, Bev, Bruce and Lexi Cat

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